Vinyl Inventory Control Spreadsheet

Elements used to calculate pricing:

  • Material Size
  • Material Cost
  • Design Size
  • Plus More

This Calculator is so advanced, we could not turn it into a Web-App. Having problems running out of Vinyl material? We created an easy to use editable calculator that will keep track of how much vinyl you have.

You can control up to 10 different colors along with 10 different jobs for each. Example: You purchased a 5 yard roll of vinyl. You input your purchase information along with size of the vinyl. You will then get your cost per square inch. Say you do 8 different jobs using that material. For each job, you input your job info such as amount of material used. You will then get how much material you used, the cost of material used, and how much material is left from the roll. Very powerful sheet.

1. Control up to 10 Vinyl colors
2. Control up to 10 jobs per color
3. Get material cost for each job
4. Get how much material is left after each job
5. 100% Editable (Modify if you want)

100% Customizable. Instant Download. Works with Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, and Numbers

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